Me And My Brothers Ride Out To The Stub Stewart State Park Dirt Trails
When riding the Banks to Vernonia trail we have passed the hares
canyon trail a couple of times because my brother and I don't like
anything that puts stress on components but we will ride the trails sometimes. I looked on YouTube
and found a guy riding hares canyon and it looked alright to ride. The trail
for me was alright for a while then I had to climb hills, not my cup of tea,
but my brother is fitter, weighing in a 165 pounds so he's a lot better
at climbing and staying in control. I fell over a couple of times at a
very slow speed because I could not unclip while standing up on my
pedals. I ended up walking a lot, I really don't like doing that but what are you going to do huh. We talked to some
people from Canada about the trails and wild life at the park. We parted ways and continued to the hilltop day use area, talked
to a park ranger about the park and found out it was free for us since
we rode in from the Main paved trail that goes through stub Stewart
state park. It was getting late so we left. On the way out there is a
long downhill that is hard on disc brakes, so I stopped a couple of
times to let them cool, you know they are hot when they start rubbing.
Well the ride home was nothing special so by for now. The video is a
sample I shot to show some of the trail.
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